Compliance Automation

Source Code Compliance

First and foremost, it is essential to analyze software composition, en­sure secure coding standards, en­force software delivery policies, and deliver traceability reports.

Infrastructure Compliance

Although configuration manage­ment may initially seem a de­cep­tive­ly simple problem, con­fig­u­ra­tion changes are a potential source of instability.

Release Compliance

Release Management poses sig­nif­i­cant challenges due to diverse regulations and rapidly evolving tech­nol­o­gies. Thus, it requires me­tic­u­lous planning and ex­e­cu­tion.

Modules & Extensions

Heimdall comes with built-in support for a variety of products used in typical software development lifecycles. Its dynamic module system enables seamless integration of additional products on the fly.


Parse a Dockerfile and per­form semantic checks for in­struc­tions such as ENV, FROM, or RUN.


Evaluate an expression against any input string or structured files. Any of the supported file formats can be used as an input.


Convert structured in­put, such as JSON, XML, or YAML, to an­oth­er format for further processing.


List all details about a sequence of commits.


Interact with GitHub re­pos­i­tor­ies and check code scan­ning and secret scan­ning alerts.


Load a Go module and process it's dependencies and versions.


Process various file for­mats in the Java ec­o­sys­tem such as Maven pom.xml, JUnit XML re­ports or JaCoCo CSV re­ports.


Fetch Jira issues and versions and process them.


Load a .json file and query its items.


Load a .properties file and list or replace key-value pairs.


Load an .xml file and query its elements and attributes.


Load a .yaml file and query its items.